3-in-1 Event in Negeri Sembilan: PUMM Negeri Sembilan Installation Night, 4th Central Committee Meeting, and 'Serembanlicious' Day Trip 青创会森州联委会3-in-1就职典礼、中央理事会议及森州走透透圆满落幕
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On 21 - 22 October 2022, a 3-in-1 Event was held at Seremban: The PUMM Negeri Sembilan Installation Night 'Rise of Empire', 4th Central Committee Meeting, and 'Serembanlicious' Day Trip.

The PUMM Negeri Sembilan Installation Night was themed 'Rise of Empire.' Participants appeared in Chinese costumes and Cheongsams, filled with nostalgia for 30's Shanghai. PUMM invited their Founding President Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew, the Current National President Mr. Tan Lay Seong, Immediate Past President Dato Tony Looi Chee Hong, and former Rasah MP Mr. Cha Kee Chin, to be the VVIP guests of the night.

The PUMM Founding President Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew emphasized that young generations of Malaysian Chinese should be proud of their own chinese culture and take the responsibility to carry it forward and spread worldwide.

PUMM National President Mr. Tan Lay Seong once again conveyed the 8 principal directions of the PUMM and the common goals to achieve by all PUMM members. He also shared the renovation progress of the Entrepreneurs' Home and called on PUMM members to be part of the contribution.

Chairman of PUMM Negeri Sembilan Mr. Timothy Teo Kiam Hon, also pointed out that the State Liaison is committed to participating in public welfare. They have organized the "Gift of Sight" Free Eye Check-Up Campaign and other fundraising campaigns for flood victims. He emphasized that PUMM is not just a platform for business exchanges but also a place where talents gather and support each other.

The next day, the Preparatory Committee visited the Centipede Temple, Museum Cultural Hakka, and the Chinese Heritage Museum, allowing PUMM members to explore the local culture of Negeri Sembilan.

Participants included PUMM Founding President Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew, National President Mr. Tan Lay Seong, Immediate Past President Dato Tony Looi Chee Hong, Deputy President Mr. Nelson Beh Chuen Hau, Chairman of PUMM Negeri Sembilan Mr. Timothy Teo Kiam Hon, Chairman of Preparatory Committee Ms. Candy Tan Sau Lui, Central Committees, State Liaison Committees, and members.

马来西亚创业促进会 (青创会;PUMM) 于10月21日 - 22日两天一夜的州联委就职典礼、中央理事会议及森州走透透活动正式圆满落幕。

2022-2024届森州联委会就职典礼晚宴以中华帝国崛起为主题, 一众理事与会员们都以唐装和旗袍亮相晚宴,为晚宴增添不少中华上海滩氛围。同时,大会也邀请创会会长丹斯里李金友、全国总会长陈礼祥、辅导会长拿督雷智雄及森州亚沙原国会议员谢琪清成为晚宴嘉宾。

创会会长丹斯里李金友强调大马青年需以身为马来西亚华人为傲, 以世界华人为光荣, 并以中华儿女自居, 以弘扬文化为己任。 同时认知“中华”二字, 以发扬和让中华文化繁荣, 传遍世界各角落。

全国总会长陈礼祥透过此次晚宴,再次传达青创会的8大方向,让会员再次了解青创会的目标。 与此同时,总会长也在会上分享总会会所的装修进度,并呼吁商家会员们积极参与,为建立会所尽一份力并让自己的芳名刻在会所的赞助版上,名流千史。

森州联委会主席张剑锋在大会上也指出,现阶段州联委会致力参与慈善, 并举办了“视力恩赐” 及水灾灾黎捐款活动。他强调青创会并不只是生意交流的平台, 更是一个聚集人才的地方,让会员们相互扶持。

次日, 森州走透透活动大队参观了森州蜈蚣山寺庙、客家文化博物馆及森州华人文史馆, 让来自全国各地的州理事与会员们有机会了解森州当地的文化习俗。
