PUMM 10th Central Committee Meeting at Miri, Sarawak 青创会于进行第十次中央理事会议
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【PUMM 10th Central Committee Meeting at Miri, Sarawak】
The Malaysia Entrepreneurs Development Association (PUMM) recently convened its 10th Central Committee Meeting (CCM) on 27th October 2023, at the Pullman Waterfront in Miri, Sarawak. This meeting held special significance as it marked the first meeting organized by the newly formed PUMM Sarawak State Liaison, established in 2022. The meeting agenda including the approval of previous meeting minutes, reports presented by the Secretary-General and Honorary Treasurer, and updates from State Liaison Chairpersons and Bureau Directors.
PUMM 30th Anniversary cum Central Committee Installation and 2023 Role Model Recognition Night successfully accomplished on 25th October. Reported by Organizing Chairman Nelson Beh, including financial report, results and postmortem meeting, and any other post-event matters.
During the meeting, we delved into the "Best of the Best" internal recognition. Organizing Chairman Dato' Jason Foo put forward an eagerly anticipated proposal, suggesting that this recognition be presented at the PUMM Appreciation Night in February 2024, to honor outstanding contributions from state liaison committees or individuals.
Participants included PUMM National President Tan Lay Seong, Immediate Past President Dato Tony Looi, Deputy President Nelson Beh, Vice President Arlene Tan, Vice President Eugene Ng, Secretary-General Daniel Dea, Honorary Treasurer Dato Jason Foo, Negeri Sembilan State Liaison Chairman Timothy Teo, Perak State Liaison Chairman Lucas Chong, KL & Selangor State Liaison Chairman Jeff Ho, Sabah State Liaison Chairman Patrick Chiam, Sarawak State Liaison Chairman Lina Hu, Central Committee Jocelyn Leong, Soo Soon Kid, Jimmi Yeo and Chong Yen Kai.
The PUMM 11st Central Committee Meeting scheduled for 14th December 2023 in Malacca, and it will be hosted by the PUMM Melaka State Liaison.

马来西亚创业促进会(青创会;PUMM)于2023年10月27日在砂拉越美里 Pullman Waterfront 酒店进行了第十次中央理事会议。此次会议具有特殊意义,砂拉越州联委会于2022年成立至今,这是第一次由砂拉越州联委会负责中央理事会议,象征着一个崭新的开端。会议涵盖了审议第九次中央理事会议纪要、总秘书和总财政的报告,以及各州联委会和发展局报告。
由署理总会长兼筹委会主席马俊豪向与会者报告了青创会三十周年庆典暨中央理事就职典礼与2023楷模人物表扬典礼的活动成果,并详细呈现了活动的财政报告以及相关善后事宜。此次会议中也深入探讨了 "Best of the Best" 内部表扬。 Best of the Best 的设立旨在激发各州联委会之间的良性竞争,增强团结协作的意识,以推动组织的进一步发展。筹委会主席拿督傅棋龙提出,将于2024年2月进行的青创会感恩之夜上授予这一荣誉,以表彰各州联委会或个人对商会的贡献。