MRMR National Roadshow 007: Penang Entrepreneurs Sharing and Press Conference 马来西亚楷模人物表扬全国第七站巡回路演:槟州企业家分享会及新闻发布会
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【MRMR National Roadshow 007: Penang Entrepreneurs Sharing and Press Conference】

The Malaysian Entrepreneurs Development Association (PUMM) successfully launched the 7th National Roadshow and Press Conference in Penang on 30th May 2023. Mr. Melbans Ooi, the Organizing Chairman of MRMR National Roadshow 007, expressed his gratitude to the media and guests for their support during the press conference. The roadshow featured three distinguished speakers: KD Chang, Kate Ma, and Jeslyn Thoe.

Entrepreneurs interested in participating in the nomination process can obtain further information by contacting Mr. Nelson Beh on 012-2172087 or visiting PUMM's official website. ( or social media platforms (Facebook: PUMM Malaysia).


2023年5月30日,马来西亚创业促进会(青创会;PUMM)槟城联委会在槟城办了 “2023年马来西亚楷模人物表扬” 全国第七站的巡回路演企业家分享会与会员聚会和记者会。


三位分享嘉宾也将共同见证这场意义深远的活动。分享嘉宾是张凯登,曾荣获2021年PUMM青创楷模人物,将分享其心得与观点,探讨 “格局决定结局”。马碧卿分享嘉宾则将带来她的人生智慧,分享 “人生没有白走的路,每一步都算数”。而 Jeslyn Thoe 则以她独特的视角,讲述 “花若盛开,蝴蝶自来”。

如有意向提名的企业家,可以联系筹委会主席马俊豪先生,电话号码 012-2172087,或浏览网站,获取更多信息和提名表格。他也鼓励各界人士积极参与这一荣誉,展现马来西亚企业家的风采和实力。