MRMR National Roadshow 004 : Sabah Press Conference 青创会30周年庆典暨中央理事就职与2023楷模人物表扬典礼:沙巴亚庇新闻发布会
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【MRMR National Roadshow 004 : Sabah Press Conference】

The Malaysian Entrepreneurs’ Development Association (PUMM) has conducted 2nd Press Conference at Kota Kinabalu, Sabah on 29th April 2023. Mr Patrick Chiam, the PUMM Sabah State Liaison Chairman, welcomed and thanked the media and guests for their support at the press conference. Mr Tan Lay Seong, PUMM National President, briefed the reporters on the association’s vision and mission, activities, and accomplishments.

Lastly, Mr Nelson Beh, PUMM Deputy President and the Organizing Chairman of the ‘PUMM 30th Anniversary cum Central Committee Installation & 2023 Role Model Recognition Night,’ presented the award's details, selection criteria, and nomination process. This award comprises three categories: Role Model, Star Role Model, and Iconic Role Model. The award recognizes and acknowledges individuals, organizations, and successful corporate leaders with outstanding performance and achievements in their professions or fields.

Entrepreneurs who wish to participate in the nomination can obtain further information by contacting Mr Nelson Beh 012-2172087. Mr Nelson Beh encouraged people from all walks of life to actively participate in this prestigious honor to showcase the style and strength of Malaysian entrepreneurs. PUMM will continue to hold roadshows throughout the country, and he expressed his gratitude to the organizers, co-organizers of the Sabah State Committee, and media for their support and cooperation.




有意参与提名的企业家可联系筹委会主席马俊豪 012-2172087,获取更多的信息和表格。他也鼓励各界人士积极参与这项荣誉,以展现马来西亚企业家的风采和实力。青创会将在全国各地陆续进行巡回路演,他也感谢沙巴州联委会的主办和协办单位,以及各界媒体的支持和配合。