PUMM 30th Anniversary cum Central Committee Installation & 2023 Malaysia Role Model Recognition Night 青创会庆祝三十周年兼中央理事就职仪式和2023年楷模人物表扬典礼
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【PUMM Marks 30 Years of Entrepreneurial Excellence with Deputy Prime Minister's Applause】

On 25th October 2023, Malaysian Entrepreneurs Development Association (PUMM) celebrated a historic 30 years of fostering entrepreneurial spirit and business excellence in Malaysia at the grand event titled "PUMM 30th Anniversary cum Central Committee Installation & 2023 Malaysia Role Model Recognition Night." The event, held at the prestigious Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (MITEC) in Kuala Lumpur, marked this significant milestone.
The event brought together a distinguished group of guests, including the Deputy Prime Minister II of Malaysia, YAB Dato' Sri Haji Fadillah bin Haji Yusof, who served as the Guest of Honor. Mr. Nelson Beh, Organizing Chairman for PUMM's 30th Anniversary and Deputy President of PUMM, played a pivotal role in ensuring the evening's success. Notable figures such as Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew, the Founding President of PUMM, Dr. Thor Hong Tong, PUMM 2nd National President, Dato’ Aric Ng Wai Sing, PUMM 4th National President, Dato’ Sri Dr. How Kok Choong JP, PUMM 5th National President, and Dato' Dr. Tony Looi, PUMM Immediate Past President.
In a captivating address, PUMM National President Tan Lay Seong praised the enduring contributions of these esteemed guests and their role in shaping PUMM's growth. He particularly acknowledged the Deputy Prime Minister's efforts in advancing government initiatives and developments in the agri-commodity sector.
With over a thousand attendees, the event mirrored PUMM's remarkable growth, evolving from a small group into an association with over 3,000 members nationwide. PUMM's influence was evident in its numerous programs and activities, with over 200 events organized each year, solidifying its position as one of Malaysia's most active and influential associations.

Deputy Prime Minister II YAB Dato’ Sri Haji Fadillah Haji Yusof commended PUMM's unwavering dedication during the Malaysia Role Model Recognition (MRMR) Gala Dinner at MITEC. He expressed his admiration for PUMM's commitment to enhancing the capabilities of entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across Malaysia. The Deputy Prime Minister II highlighted his recent meeting with PUMM's Central Committee and commended the organization's dedication to entrepreneurship.
The evening featured the 2023 Malaysia Role Model Recognition (MRMR 2023), recognizing exceptional individuals from various sectors. The Iconic Role Model Recognition was presented to five outstanding individuals in fields such as government, business, corporate, professional, and culture. Recognition recipients included a Lifetime Achievement Recognition received by Dr. Thor Hong Tong, PUMM 2nd National President.
This event marked a significant milestone in PUMM's history as it entered its fourth decade. The organization is poised to continue shaping Malaysia's entrepreneurial landscape, guided by its legacy of empowerment and entrepreneurship.


2023年10月25日晚,马来西亚创业促进会(青创会;PUMM)迎来一个历史性的时刻,庆祝其在马来西亚培育创业精神和商业卓越成就的三十周年。这一盛大活动 “PUMM三十周年庆典兼中央理事就职仪式和2023年楷模人物表扬典礼” 在马来西亚国际贸易与展览中心(MITEC)隆重举行。
晚会汇聚了众多重要嘉宾,包括马来西亚副首相拿督斯里法迪拉尤索夫(Dato' Sri Haji Fadillah bin Haji Yusof)担任荣誉主宾。青創會全國署理縂會長兼大會筹委会主席马俊豪负责此次活动策划。出席的嘉宾还包括青创会创会会长 - 丹斯里李金友、涂鸿棠博士 – 第二任全国总会长、拿督伍伟成 – 第四任全国总会长、拿督斯里侯健仲博士太平居绅 – 第五任全国总会长、青创会辅导会长拿督雷智雄等。
副首相拿督斯里法迪拉尤索夫(Dato’ Sri Haji Fadillah Haji Yusof)在晚宴上致辞,对青创会坚定的承诺表示高度赞赏。他对青创会致力于提升马来西亚企业家和中小企业(SMEs)的能力的承诺表示钦佩。副首相强调了他最近与青创会中央理事的会面,并赞扬了该组织对创业的奉献。
活动重点还包括 “2023 马来西亚楷模人物表扬”(MRMR 2023)。青创会第二任总会长涂鸿棠博士在当晚获得最高荣誉 “青创终身成就奖”。同时,标杆楷模人物表扬给了来自政府、商业、企业、专业领域和文化领域的五位杰出个人。其中包括丹斯里拿督卢成全、丹斯里诺希山、拿督郭耀辉、拿督梁潤江和汤小康。